About Us
Talk is cheap. Rest assured LPG Muscle was built on the promise of delivering. Innovation, Performance, and Quality to resistance fighters. Those who strive to Lift More, Pull More, and Grow More. Let it be said 'same old' weightlifting equipment and accessories just won’t cut it here. We demand excellence and provide nothing less for our cherished following. This dedication to our craft began one snowy December morning back in 1975. When this once pimple faced dweeb hefted his first weight set from the trunk of Mothers Monte Carlo. And while it couldn’t have been known at the time, that arm swelling Christmas day cookie pump would grow into a lifelong weightlifting obsession. An iron addiction and 35 year physical transformation. That filled a room with trophies, a head with confidence, a gym full of customers, and lots and lots of ideas. Ideas of superior ways to squeeze more gain from workout pain. The end result of those visions are to be realized here at LPG Muscle. As evidenced in weightlifting products forged from the fires of competition. Created from the same mind to muscle transformational process that builds champions. As observed in revolutionary strength training equipment that speaks for itself. Workout after workout. So go ahead fellow lifter and order in confidence. Take hold and experience performance worthy of your 'No Less than Excess' battles in the war for more. Rock on!