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CABLE CORE WORKOUT HANDLES Core Workout Cable Core Workout Core Strength Workout Trunk Rotation Exercises


Imagine if there was a way to apply progressive weight stack resistance to a Core Workout. Think of the explosive power that could be built by way of Progressive Resistance Exercise.

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Imagine if there was a way to apply progressive weight stack resistance to a Core Workout. Think of the explosive power that could be built by way of Progressive Resistance Exercise. Within this epicenter of all human movement. While positioned of course in a safe position with resistance close enough to body to protect the spine. Yet far enough away so as to amplify the weight applied midbody. Physio Twist is that Cable Core Workout reality check. An ingenious means of combining a Gym Ball, Handles System, and Weight Stack. Within the arms of an athlete training to develop body slamming Core Torque. By way of an upward angling Trunk Twist against resistance. As performed from a kneeling or standing body position. So that once a weight is mastered, another plate could be added to the Trunk Rotation Exercises. To assure steady gains in the Core Strength Workout happen.  As too new levels of athletic performance.