Welcome Resistance Fighters!

Shoulder Workouts

(13 products)

Be a Shrug Pro upright row dynamo with a well-designed Shoulder Workouts plan. Builds softball shoulders and bulldog traps much sooner than later. 

For most of us softball shaped shoulders and bulldog traps don't just happen. As Shoulder Muscles must be built through proper application of progressive resistance exercises. That target all three of the anterior, medial, and posterior muscle heads. Which means comprehensive Shoulder Training from multiple angles for optimal results is a must. As applied through use of barbells, Dual Cable Bars, dumbbells, and cable gym machines mated to Gym Rings, Delt Belt, or other such Gym Cable Attachments. This well-formed Shoulder Exercise plan should include 2-3 sets of Rear Delt Flys to prep the joint structure. To follow with mid delt Shoulder Flys for 2-3 sets. The Shoulder Press Front Delt Exercises comes next for 1-3 sets. To conclude with the Upright Row for the final 2-3 sets. In conclusion be advised when Training Shoulders to use lesser weight. Moved slowly and methodically throughout the full exercise range of motion. As perfect form is the absolute best way to grow shoulders while avoiding growing pains. So, take heed not to expect to use Bench Press Workout loads on Shoulder Presses or bad things may happen! As is entirely not the case when performing Shoulder Shrugs Trap Exercises. Which require super heavy weights and high reps (be sure to invest in Weightlifting Straps or Weightlifting Hooks to prevent grip failure). Combined with 3 seconds pauses at the top of each Shrugs Workout repetition to ensure Trapezius Muscles grow. Expect to do 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps for best results. The brutal Shrug Exercise can be done with Trap Bars, Hex Bars, barbells, dumbbells, and Shrug Machines etc. Or Shrug Pro stands which offer the same unilateral Trap Workout as dumbbells, but without the dreaded and dangerous heavy dumbbells re-racking drama. 

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